#LeadersForChange #FosterYouth #FosterYouthVoices #FosterYouthMatter #FosterLA

Foster Youth Power LA Experience

Foster Youth Power LA was an incredible experience. I love all the foster youth I met and the friendships I came in with. We come from all walks of life but we have this one thing in common. We came together to learn how we can play a significant role in impacting policies and injustices affecting us. 

We all took part in a youth organizing training led by SOUL. In this training, we grasp what it takes to be a part of today’s foster care movement. Some highlights were the history of foster care and how it became our current system today. Then, we dwelled into the process of organizing, discover how systems impact us, politics, & how to launch a campaign as a vehicle for social change. From strategies and tactics to assure our voices are heard to power mapping, evaluation, & collect action by standing up for each other. This training had it all! We were also given scenarios where we role played historical events of Child Welfare & Resistance and analyzed case studies. SO MUCH education, input, and power happened in this space!

I am inspired by all these individuals who want to see a change in the foster care system. They are making an impact. Not just for themselves but for all of us. Strength equals numbers and together we can make a difference.❤❤❤

Thank you @fyinaction and California Youth Connection & @nfyiinstitute for co-hosting this powerful event.✨